Setting up a new mac
- Menu bar hider: GitHub - jordanbaird/Ice: Powerful menu bar manager for macOS
- System stats on menubar: GitHub - exelban/stats: macOS system monitor in your menu bar
- Media Player: IINA - The modern media player for macOS
- Dell Display and Peripheral Manager (DDPM)
- 4k Video Downloader
- AppCleaner
- Arc
- Audacity
- ChatGPT
- cursor
- DaVinci Resolve
- DBeaver
- DBngin
- Discord
- Docker
- DuckDuckGo
- e-Sword-X
- Embra
- Everand
- Figma
- Fing
- Firefox
- Firefox Developer Edition
- Ghostty terminal
- GitButler
- Handmirror for mac
- Home Assistant
- Homerow
- HTTPie
- Ice
- iTerm
- Keymapp
- Kindle
- Logos
- Microsoft To Do
- Nebula for Mac
- ngrok
- NordVPN
- Notability
- Goodnotes
- Notion
- Notion Calendar
- NVIDIA Geforce Now
- Obsidian
- PearCleaner
- pgAdmin
- Plantronics Hub
- Postman
- PyCharm
- Raycast
- Reader
- Shottr
- Slack
- smolmenubar
- Spotify
- Steam
- Telegram
- TablePlus
- tldv
- VSCode
- Warp
- WebStorm
- Wispr Flow
- Zed
- Zoom
Here’s the result of brew list
abseil kubernetes-cli neovim
act lame netpbm
aom lazydocker nettle
aribb24 lazygit node
assimp leptonica npth
autoconf libaec nspr
automake libarchive nss
azure-cli libass oniguruma
bash libassuan open-mpi
bat libavif opencore-amr
bottom libb2 openexr
brotli libbluray openjpeg
btop libcbor openssl@3
c-ares libcerf opus
ca-certificates libde265 p11-kit
cairo libdeflate pango
capstone libevent pcre
certifi libfido2 pcre2
cjson libgcrypt pinentry
cmake libgit2 pixman
cmake-docs libgpg-error pkg-config
colima libheif plow
coreutils libidn pmix
dav1d libidn2 pnpm
dbus libksba protobuf
diff-so-fancy libmicrohttpd pyenv
direnv libmng pyqt
docker libmpc pyqt@5
docker-completion libnghttp2 python-packaging
docker-compose libogg python@3.11
doppler libomp python@3.12
double-conversion libpng python@3.13
dtc libpq qemu
exa libraw qscintilla2
extract_url librist qt
ffmpeg libsamplerate qt@5
flac libslirp ranger
fnm libsndfile rav1e
fontconfig libsodium readline
freetype libsoxr ripgrep
frei0r libssh rubberband
fribidi libssh2 ruby
fzf libtasn1 sdl2
gcc libtiff shared-mime-info
gd libtool snappy
gdu libunibreak speedtest
gettext libunistring speex
gh libusb sqlite
ghostscript libuv srt
giflib libvidstab sshs
git libvmaf starship
git-filter-repo libvorbis stow
glib libvpx stripe
gmp libvterm svt-av1
gnu-sed libx11 terraform
gnupg libxau tesseract
gnuplot libxcb tfenv
gnutls libxdmcp the_silver_searcher
go libxext theora
granted libxrender tig
graphite2 libyaml tldr
grep libzip tmux
harfbuzz lima tree
hdf5 little-cms2 tree-sitter
highway llvm unbound
httpie lpeg unibilium
hunspell lua urlview
hwloc lua-language-server utf8proc
icu4c luajit vde
icu4c@75 luv webp
icu4c@76 lz4 x264
imath lzo x265
isl m4 xorgproto
jasper mbedtls xvid
jbig2dec md4c xz
jd mkcert z
jj mpdecimal z3
jpeg-turbo mpfr zeromq
jpeg-xl mpg123 zimg
jq msgpack zlib
jsoncpp mysql zoxide
krb5 ncdu zstd
kubectx ncurses
==> Casks
1password-cli jordanbaird-ice stats
chromium ngrok visual-studio-code
dbeaver-community orbstack wave
font-hack-nerd-font pearcleaner
iterm2 rectangle
Chrome extensions
- Readwise Highlighter
- Enhancer for YouTube
- Darkreader
- 1password
- JSON Formatter
- JSON Viewer
- GridRuler
- ProWritingAid
- Readwise Exporter
- Refined github
- Search by image
- Video Speed Controller
- Vimium
- SVG Grabber